Sunday, March 7, 2021

Plucked! Splash by Wally Wood

 Always dug the cover to Weird Science #17, and the splash right under the cover is che cool, but I never realized how rich the original publication was (first image) until I saw it today.  just georgeous


  1. The trouble with modern reprints (or one of the problems) is that they're too small. Older issues were more square, so when they reprint them, you end up with less detail and crazy margins at the top and bottom. This holds true for Golden Age books as well; there's no real imperative to make hardcover archives all the same size as the newest comics except to fit in a comic box. I once saw a for real Golden Age Captain America Comic and it was so much more beautiful than what we're getting.

    1. Oh, true ALL that! The originals will always rule
