Friday, January 31, 2025

New Frank Frazetta!!!

Yeah, yeah, just new to me, cause this fanzine sketch is now fifty years old, and I just saw it.  sheesh  The other two images are just here cause I can't help feel'n the new axe drawing seems incredibly familiar


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Inferno Envelope by Mike Kaluta

Honestly, I never cared for the Inferno Eight that Mike did back in 75, but as we all know, I miss a lotta things, and just saw this


Friday, January 17, 2025

The Headline Comics Cover That Never Was by Jack Kirby

As Jim Gaffigan would say,"When's he gonna stop talk'n about Kirby Krime Kovers?  Is the whole show about this?  I can't believe I paid good money for this!"  Ah-ite, maybe I'm a little obsessive at times, but ya gotta luvit!  Headline Comics #44 was practically "in the bag" when the first premise was dropped.  Somebody must've realized the crook's plan "I thought nobody would remember what I looked like!" wasn't necessarily a great starting point.  Che cool to think of Jack as a police sketch artist, though


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Batman Up A Tree by Berni Wrightson

Must say I never heard of 2010's Hidden Treasures until just now (but we all know Cap'n has the attention span of a goldfish, so maybe I DID see it some other time).  The pups are outside as we speak, sit'n quietly and star'n up at a squirrel stuck directly above them in a tree, so they are probly good to go all afternoon


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

FOOM Conan by John Buscema

This is my current fav Conan by Big John, but I have a dilemna due to my younger snobbishness.  I decided when Barry Smith left Conan, I was done, also.  Missed a lotta great Gil Kane and John Buscema, and other various great artwork(still have Silver Surfer #4 and Sub-mariner #4, at least).  My question is this, was this Conan splash in a regular mag?  I'd love to see the rest, if there is more


Sunday, January 12, 2025

King Ptui (Errr, King Ptolemy) by Mike Kaluta

So, over a decade ago, I was enamored with The Swords of Shahrazar by Robert E. Howard as illustrated by Kaluta (the big post had it all except for the last image here), but I kinda sorta neglected the earlier volume The Lost Valley of Iskander.  Here's the color plates


Friday, January 10, 2025

Justice Traps The Guilty #5 Cover by Jack Kirby

I can't believe all the years I spent completely ignorant of the plethora of Kirby Krime Kovers out there.  Dad joke:  A man walks up to his friend's widow at the funeral.  "May I have a word with you?," he asks.  "Certainly, " she says, "what is it?"  "Plethora," is all he says.  She smiles at him and says ,"Thank you.  That means a lot"


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Conan #16 Cover by Barry Smith

This one never gets old.  Okay, I now am ready to take the pup out in the sub=zero night to stave off the frost giants while she goes tinkle


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Conan The Destroyer 2025 by Frank Frazetta

Happy New Year!  Wish the original Buccaneer was around for a calendar, but this version of the Destroyer is che nice

Coupla More Fanzine Frank Cirocco

Much like an unfinished Wrightson, or a Kaluta Shadow, or a Severin Kull, I kinda obsess ("kinda," Cap'n?  KINDA?) over the early fanzine drawrings of Cirocco


Monday, January 6, 2025

Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Contaminated Space Man by Steve Ditko

Beauty.  This is my current favorite Ditko (I know in my head, I say that almost weekly).  Every panel is a delight, so yeah, just do a great cover based on some panels.  Outer space as it should be (dig'n the solid rings for debris belts, and oh, those stars!)  When I first saw that bottom panel on the cover, I remember think'n "that place not only looks wunnerful, it feels oddly familiar..."  hhhhmmmm  Probly a typical army brat, but when people ask "where you from, Cap'n?" I tell em "oh, all over"