Oh, yeah, that adage about "wait a little while and weather what ya hafta/ give it the time and it will come to you" is again abundantly clear with this one. First the centerfold of RBCC #66 (see the wayback), but here as an actual print. sweet
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Lone Tiger by Wally Wood
I've put up this Comic And Fantasy Art Amateur Press Association cover before, but this one's biggerbetterfasterstronger (please embiggen), and look up Lone Tiger in the wayback to get more
Pete And Re-Pete by Jack Kirby
Pete was one very lucky fan! The third image of Orion is kinda puzzl'n to me-if it's not the same image that was eventually given to Pete, how did every little detail come out so spot on? And, finally, how we saw it published as the cover to DC Showcase #94
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Airborne by Rich Corben
First the endpapers from the great hardbound Flights Into Fantasy, then a splash from the great fanzine Hot Stuf' #1
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Flash Gordon (?) by Bob Kline
From the che great Robert Kline Portfolio (and, therefore, also probly from a fanzine), this looks like Flash, but does Dale know about this blonde belly-dancer? And are they even on Mongo? Whomever it is, Bob was rock'n it yet again
Monday, February 3, 2025
Frazetta Forever by Berni Wrightson
Here's an odd thing for me-an early Wrightson I DIDN'T like (somehow in my mad mind, I'd grouped it with Berni's fan drawing in Creepy #9). Been look'n at it forever of course (well, since 1969's Fandom Annual #2), but I simply had no idea how poorly it had been printed, and now I luvit
Oooops! Many days later, and here's the OTHER Frazetta Forever, and the back of the trad'n card I was struggl'n to recall where else I'd seen it
Another Reaction To Jimmy Olsen #138 by Jack Kirby
In the wayback, I put up the unpublished cover from the Masterworks portfolio, but now the Collector has had it inked and colored beautifully. I assume the collage behind Neal Adams' Supes on the published cover was by Jack, and finally, the tiny but georgeous reactor sequence on the inside
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Wizard King Of The World Cover by Wally Wood
Oh, my heck! Always thought I had this great cover "covered" with my french copy of the book and my Woodwork gazette, but man, that original art just "rises up"
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Shelf Stuff Conan (?) by Barry Smith
Shelf Stuff has always been onea those tasty treasures to me, and this is onea the best illos in it, methinks. That helmet is all that and a bag a chips, and besides not knowing if it's Conan, I wanna know how those arrows were shot
Coupla Images From The Deadly Cargo Of Spaceship 90 by Steve Ditko
Space Adventures #32, right before Cap'n Atom arrived. Just me, probly, but it kinda looks like the "strange object in space" coulda been the proto for my fav all-time ship, the Millenium Falcon (that, or the roomba)
Friday, January 31, 2025
New Frank Frazetta!!!
Yeah, yeah, just new to me, cause this fanzine sketch is now fifty years old, and I just saw it. sheesh The other two images are just here cause I can't help feel'n the new axe drawing seems incredibly familiar
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Inferno Envelope by Mike Kaluta
Honestly, I never cared for the Inferno Eight that Mike did back in 75, but as we all know, I miss a lotta things, and just saw this
Friday, January 17, 2025
The Headline Comics Cover That Never Was by Jack Kirby
As Jim Gaffigan would say,"When's he gonna stop talk'n about Kirby Krime Kovers? Is the whole show about this? I can't believe I paid good money for this!" Ah-ite, maybe I'm a little obsessive at times, but ya gotta luvit! Headline Comics #44 was practically "in the bag" when the first premise was dropped. Somebody must've realized the crook's plan "I thought nobody would remember what I looked like!" wasn't necessarily a great starting point. Che cool to think of Jack as a police sketch artist, though
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Batman Up A Tree by Berni Wrightson
Must say I never heard of 2010's Hidden Treasures until just now (but we all know Cap'n has the attention span of a goldfish, so maybe I DID see it some other time). The pups are outside as we speak, sit'n quietly and star'n up at a squirrel stuck directly above them in a tree, so they are probly good to go all afternoon
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
FOOM Conan by John Buscema
This is my current fav Conan by Big John, but I have a dilemna due to my younger snobbishness. I decided when Barry Smith left Conan, I was done, also. Missed a lotta great Gil Kane and John Buscema, and other various great artwork(still have Silver Surfer #4 and Sub-mariner #4, at least). My question is this, was this Conan splash in a regular mag? I'd love to see the rest, if there is more
Sunday, January 12, 2025
King Ptui (Errr, King Ptolemy) by Mike Kaluta
So, over a decade ago, I was enamored with The Swords of Shahrazar by Robert E. Howard as illustrated by Kaluta (the big post had it all except for the last image here), but I kinda sorta neglected the earlier volume The Lost Valley of Iskander. Here's the color plates
Friday, January 10, 2025
Justice Traps The Guilty #5 Cover by Jack Kirby
I can't believe all the years I spent completely ignorant of the plethora of Kirby Krime Kovers out there. Dad joke: A man walks up to his friend's widow at the funeral. "May I have a word with you?," he asks. "Certainly, " she says, "what is it?" "Plethora," is all he says. She smiles at him and says ,"Thank you. That means a lot"
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Conan #16 Cover by Barry Smith
This one never gets old. Okay, I now am ready to take the pup out in the sub=zero night to stave off the frost giants while she goes tinkle
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Conan The Destroyer 2025 by Frank Frazetta
Happy New Year! Wish the original Buccaneer was around for a calendar, but this version of the Destroyer is che nice
Coupla More Fanzine Frank Cirocco
Much like an unfinished Wrightson, or a Kaluta Shadow, or a Severin Kull, I kinda obsess ("kinda," Cap'n? KINDA?) over the early fanzine drawrings of Cirocco
Monday, January 6, 2025
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