Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Thor by Jack Kirby

 Been star'n at the first two for a long, long time, so when I saw the third image today, I thought it was a good moment


  1. I've got a limited edition print of that image up on my wall, though have to say I don't think it's one of Jack's best. Star'n? C'mon, Cap'n, you're just making words up now.

    1. Onea those matted transparencies like I saw on eBay? Way cool, but yeah, you're right, Jack's Marvelmania Thor is leaps 'n bounds better. Ha! The only word I can take credit for "making up" is irregardless. I said it so long and vehemently, Webster's now sports it. The definition just says "see regardless"

    2. Starin' I could live with - but star'n? Yeah, it's a transparency pic. It creates an effect, but it doesn't bear scrutiny.

    3. Irregardless, that pencil version from Masterworks (hope you have Masterworks) is just georgeous, in my opine

    4. Too many squiggles and seems distorted to my eyes, plus the hammer's handle is squint, thus ruining the perspective. However, to each his own.
