Monday, March 17, 2025

Another Blackmark (?) by Gil Kane

Good thing he wrote Blackmark on this,  or I might be think'n it was a skinny Kane Conan.  Also, if you gave this guy a crewcut, it'd be His Name Is Savage.  Angry eyes takes me back to top forty radio in the seventies


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Coupla More Fly'n Tigers by Wally Wood

Course Lone Tiger was up a lot in the wayback, and some more convolutions are in the works, but these two are che nice


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bullseye by Jack Kirby

Said it before so I'll say it again:  Bullseye brings me great joy.  Although Big Bear gives him a run for the money, I find Bullseye to be Jack's happiest character.  First image was never up here (I believe), the Bullseye trad'n card.  Then the lousy scan I made from my Black Book Valentine to Roz before ship'n it off to an eBay customer at the turn o the century.  Then my fav Kirby drawing of Bullseye, then a detail of my fav (please embiggen), then the drawing that started this very blog


Monday, March 10, 2025

Strange Tales #132 Cover by Steve Ditko

.............and the cover in our dimension, as mostly done by Jack Kirby.  Odd thing is, I love the cover Jack did 2 issues earlier (specially w/o the Torch and Thing as Beatles), but the Kirby part of 132s cover  may be my least fav art ever
A day later (and a dollar shorter) here's the page from whence came the mock-up, and that same story's splash, also rock'n the magic bolts and contorted fingers and groovy little statues


Swamp Thing #3 Cover by Berni Wrightson

Have I groused enough about get'n rid of my hardbound Look Back?  Miss it like crazy


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Coupla Forgotten Shadows by Jim Steranko

Forgotten by me, that is.  In the wayback, had up lots of the paperback covers, and lots of the unseen shadows, but (except for the fifth image) I never got around to these two


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Stuntman #3 by Jack Kirby

Just realiz'n I shoulda saved this post for the first day next month, cause "April Fool's!  There is no Stuntman #3!"  Another quizzical heart-breaker, since the first two Stuntman comics were amazeballs.  sigh.  The bookends here are the covers of The Jack Kirby Treasury (first my copy that embiggens to mercurtroid, then a "nice" copy of the cover), which contained the only colored work I've seen of this non-book



Coupla Martians by Berni Wrightson

Just another riff on onea Berni's jazziest subjects-Tars Tarkas (well this one also has HG Wells as well).  See much more by search'n Tars on here (as well as my other favs doing their take on the big kahuna)


Friday, February 28, 2025

See'n Red

Yeah, I was about to do onea my "Folders Full" posts, when I noticed a disproportunate number of rojo-tinged renderings in my folders.  Nice to end with Omega