Saturday, November 30, 2024

Savage Tales #3 Cover by Barry Smith

Ooops-only the shouldawouldacoulda cover

Free Fallin' by Berni Wrightson

Yeah, yeah, and much later, by Tom Petty.  Embiggen and jump back, cause this is way detailed


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Odkin Finds The Sword by Wally Wood

Don't get me wrong-The colorized French book of the complete Wizard King O The World is an amazeballs story, but this scene isn't done justice in the tiny panel published there.  This first appearance, in the che great fanzine Witzend #4, is just georgeous


Monday, November 25, 2024

Fanzine Cover #2 Of Collage #2 by Gil Kane

Here's sump'n I really dig about this whole magilla-a biggerbetterfasterstronger image I already posted.  About a year ago, I found out Blackmark was spotlighted in Collage #2, but I couldn't see the cover very good, and now........  And speak'n of covers, I just realized I've done a fair amount of Blackmark posts, but neglected the original cover of that ground-breaking paperback
This Fritz is added after a coupla comments


Ebbets Field by Jack Kirby

Almost a decade ago, I put up the trad'n card and pencils of this che nice Thundarr scene, but that gigantor (embiggen, please) original art--wow


Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Battler by Neal Adams

Onea of these is new on here


Friday, November 22, 2024

A Honeycomb Kid by Jack Kirby

Jack had three of these in the cereal boxes in 1984, but I was "far-out and blemish free ," so I had no idea they even existed

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Half-Caf Conan by Barry Smith

First is how half a Conan appeared in Conan Classics #9, then how it originally appeared as the contents page for Savage Tales #3.  Okay, about this title:  for years, I've had three or often four K-pods of coffee (onea the reasons I dig all the coffee-stained artwork out there) by midday, every day.  A while back, my wife noticed there was a milder coffee pod called Half-Caf, and she suggested I start drink'n that one, cause everytime I do a chore/project/job, it's always half-caffed


Monday, November 18, 2024

Four That Got Away by Frank Frazetta

Folks have heard me grouse individually that these amaz'n covers don't exist in these formats anymore (which is all well and good until somebody takes an eye, I mean until somebody goes to make a poster or print or calendar or coffee table book).  The Mars cover kinda still exists, but I miss the cartoony feel that was lost


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Give Me Liberty by Steve Ditko

Recently had the one-year anniversary of wish'n I could see this entire little strip from the fanzine The Collector #29, and, viola (as Bugs Bunny always pronounced voila), here tis.  Speak'n of one-year anniversaries, exactly one year after the pandemic began, I did a big post with all my fav Static images, but I left out these two.  Oooops! (coupla minutes after I posted this)  My bad.  I just went back and looked at the date on my big Static post, and it was one day, not one year, after the pandemic began.  For me, it began on Friday, March 13th, 2020, when I was told to go home from work


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Daredevil by Wally Wood

Onea my wishes has always been that he kept going (and done Tower comics at the same time)


Monday, November 11, 2024

Four Arms by Jack Kirby

Personally wish this one coulda developed further.  He struck me as hav'n that super-joy we saw with Big Bear in the Forever People, and they sure needed him in Jiminy Olsen


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Hopalong Cassidy by Gil Kane

Oh, my heck!  Two names I been familiar with pretty much my whole life, but I never connected them (seven degrees of Kevin Bacon?}.  Che cool that young Gil Kane drew the actor with silver hair and dark brows long before he himself had silver hair and dark brows.  Yeah, yeah, his name is Savage and Cap'n Marvel had that look, too, I guess