Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Little Sumpinsumpin From Many of My Favs

Mike Kaluta, Neal Adams, Jack Kirby, Frank Frazetta, Wally Wood, Steve Ditko, Jim Steranko, Barry Smith, Gil Kane, Berni Wrightson


  1. Yeah---have I waxed enough about how there were giants in those days? Thanks for noticing, when my folder had seven of these guys randomly in it, I rounded up the other three. Course, there's a slew of other great artists in my other tiers of favorites (demi?), and I'll just ramble off into the sunset with some: Rich Corben, Bob Kline, Michael Golden, Paul Gulacy, Al Williamson, Joe Quesada, John Severin, John Severin, Jim Starlin, Dave Cockrum, Art Adams,...................

  2. Oops! The John after Severin shoulda been Buscema. Those first six Silver Surfers were mighty-mighty

  3. Yeah I also can never get enough of Al Williamson.

  4. Excellent--I hope you dig today's Al post
