Thursday, November 16, 2023

New Web O' Horror! by Jim Pinkoski

 Yeah, yeah, just new to me.  First is how I've always seen it, from the great underground Spaced Out (1972), then the reprint of Lair O' Madness version in Graphic Fantasy Annual #1 (both also 1972) with what appears to be the host of LOM, and finally what I assume is how the splash was intended for an unpublished WOH.  Cannae wait for the complete Web next April 


  1. Well, that's news to me as well. Here's a little known credit: he had a short story in Skywald's Psycho # 7, 1971, an issue that also had a Fujitake story. Fujitake would've fit right in at Web of Horror.

    1. wow-thank you! Just looked up his Psycho story-just georgeous, and I've never seen it! And never thought about it, but Fujitake woulda been an awesome Websterite
