Monday, January 20, 2020

Remember This Conan by Barry Smith?

Member? member!...yeah, me neither.  This was a two-page print from 2004, and I have no clue where from, what for, etc.  Six years before the kids taught me how to blog (Ten years of Cap'n's Comics, by the by), and I just now clooged the two pages together, so I doubt it's up on here earlier.  Looks like Barry may have done this right before get'n the Conan comic gig


  1. I never saw that before, but it seems to be somehow related to this other unpublished page that turned up on Heritage Auctions site, identified as Barry inked by Neal Adams:

  2. Yeah, the birds are similar, the period is similar, but this mysterious first image is NOT inked by Adams, and Conan has a different all we need is a few more unpublished pages for an unpublished story (wow, UC company idea, a publisher that only publishes the unpublished-very zen, neh?). Good eye on the similarities
