Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chamber Of Darkness #5 Cover by Jack Kirby

Amaz'n that Death went from this cool but terrify'n guy on the cover and splash, to this cute, cuddly fella five pages later


  1. Amazing, too, that Kirby was still giving this level of quality work on top of his other assignments with one foot out the door. In three months is his last regular FF. In four months we get the first chapter in the Fourth World series.

  2. Yeah, he truly was at the height of his powers--probably could've worked for three companies, if there had been other major players then

  3. Three companies? That's slacking by Jack's standards. In 1947 he worked for DC, Prize, Harvey, and Hillman at the same time. In 1955 he worked for Prize, Harvey, Charlton and Mainline, which he also owned and ran. And in 1959 he worked for Marvel, DC and Archie while drawing a daily newspaper strip!

  4. Whew! Sometimes I get tired just by think'n about all he did....Chabon's Kavalier and Clay goes to great lengths explain'n how hard the original greats worked, and how they worked into the wee hours
