Saturday, March 22, 2025

Some Dragonflames by Paul Gulacy

Although I'd been told somebody was channel'n Steranko, I pretty much ignored Master Of Kung-Fu for a coupla decades, and never even perceived this paperback until just the other day.  Onea my most ambitious posts from the wayback is MOKF by Gulacy, so I finally caught on.  That first interior drawing really resonates Steranko's Chandler (and the stained-glass swag lamp was in a ton of homes in the seventies, including a coupla my cribs)



  1. I still have it; bought it for the art. There was a planned sequel called "Carnage and Crushed Carnations". The only other collabs between McGregor and Gulacy I know of were Sabre, of course, and the beautifully drawn "Trespasser" series in Eerie.

    There was also this announced Martial Arts guy called Dragon Shade, by McGregor and Tom Sutton, that was meant to be in the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, before it was cancelled. I think it only appeared as a promo article in FOOM.

    1. Cool stuff. Now that I think about it, this is onea those chapters I missed cause of college (74-78). That, or the sun was in my eyes. At least I snatched up Sabre many moons ago
