Friday, August 9, 2024

Thunder And Lightning by Wally Wood

Okay, when it comes to the super-fast, nobody holds a candle to The Flash (the other prime example would be Marvel's Quicksilver), but I like the use of the phrase "thunder and light'n," and I sure dig what Wally did with what he was handed



  1. Flash has the name recognition, but I've always thought Johnny Quick, with his better costume and art by Mort Meskin, was really a superior speedster.

    1. Oh, great! Now you got me star'n at a slew of Johnny Quick from the forties! Especially dig the splashes

    2. I agree on Meskin, but Jack Cole also did a few high-energy stories about the Silver Streak that are worth a look.

    3. Ohmyheck! Thanks! You guys have turned me onto some speedsters I never even knew of. Looks like an Olympic race with all these super-fast characters would be the bomb
