Thursday, June 27, 2019

Another Galaxy Illo by Wally Wood

The magazines Galaxy, If, Amaz'n, etc etc were kinda the last vestiges of the pulps, which are special to me not only for Robert E. Howard with Conan, but way back the Sherlock Holmes stories from Sir Arthur.  Cannae figure out what's happening here, if it's some form of time travel maybe, or cosmic-spanning phones, or something easily understood if I read the story, but Wally's machinery always rocks


  1. Well, if you read the story, you find that's a picture of a guy being transported by aliens operating from a remote location, but that's not at all what it should look like. He doesn't fade away, he disappears instantly, and when they slow down video of the event, it reveals he isn't disintegrated, he's physically picked up and moved through the air at super-speed, protected from friction and inertia by a sort of force field.

  2. Thanks! Dunnae WHY I couldn't tell what was happening
