Sunday, June 7, 2020

Easy Rider by Jack Kirby

Love how Jack took his angst over bikers in the canyon, and did all this great stuff.  I'm so old, saw Easy Rider in the theater.  Young Jack Nicholson's first flick


  1. Easy Rider was far from Jack Nicholson's first movie. He'd had lots of small parts, famously including the masochist in the dentist office scene from Little Shop of Horrors, and several lead roles including the westerns The Shooting and Ride in the Whirlwind, and a bad horror movie The Terror in which he co-starred with Boris Karloff.

  2. Wow, I feel better ancient-wise now! I guess the dialog that stuck in my head is that it was first time Cap'n knew of him, and Cap'n is the center of my cosmos. Reminds me how myths are pretty much lies
