Tuesday, October 31, 2023
King de World by Wally Wood

Monday, October 30, 2023
Fanzine Cover by Tom Sutton
Dig this Comicology #5 cover (and the Eerie covers) so much, I would love to find out if Tom did other fanzine stuff
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Collage #2 Fanzine Cover by Gil Kane
Oh, my heck! Clueless Joe Jackson sit'n here. I been star'n at that splash from the 1971 Blackmark paperback (second image) since I found it in a little bookshop in Grand Junction 7 years ago. And I've had the version in Savage Sword o Conan #1 since the seventies, and even a sanitized version in the 30th Anniversary trade, but I had no idea that selfsame splash was the fanzine cover to Collage #2 after they were previewing the PB in Collage #1 (third image). Kinda makes perfect sense, since the Blackmark book came out in 1971, and Collage started in 1971
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
En Garde by Rich Corben
Obvious from the verbage, but this was amongst the profuse illos in the 3 issue interview of Corben by The Mirkwood Times adzine/fanzine. I believe this was issue #4, but no longer sure. Had all of MWT back when it came out, but for some insane reason (cigarrette money?), I only kept issue #2
Monday, October 23, 2023
Bedlam Planet by Jeff Jones
Exactly a bazillion Jeff Jones paperback covers on here in the wayback, I just dunnae recall this one
The Liv'n Mummy by Gil Kane
Wanted to do some spooky Gil Kane this year (and there's a ton out there), but this less-than-spooky cover caught my eye. Looks like heroes rather than terrified victims facing the horror, and I like to think even I could be heroic if confronted by a mummy. I've always wondered why the screamers in the movies dinnae just walk away quickly and leave the mummy in the dust. He does, however, look like a scarey-good dancer
Cage Of Brass by Vaughn Bode
You may already know this, but onea my great delights is see'n sump'n sump'n by onea my favs that I havenae seen before. Case in point. This cover has no living creatures visible, yet completely Vaughn Bode
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Midnight Constitutional by Berni Wrightson
Welp, it's that time a year again, when I try to post sump'n spooky by my favs, and Berni had spooky down to a science. We useta say "going for my morning constitutional" as we went on a walk, since walking was healthy, or "good for the constitution." Elderly wise-guys also used the phrase to say they were going to have a bowel movement
Friday, October 20, 2023
The Thinker by Gil Kane
Okay, I'm try'n not to think about this too much, but it seems like this guy could easily be called The Over-thinker. The think'n in the last three panels here is too much food for thought, I think. His debonair pencil stash and high IQ remind me of Tony Stark, but let's see if we can think of other characters he resembles. Put on your think'n caps
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Coupla Thrust Covers by Gene Day
Gene did so much in his short life, and I'm often amazed to see sump'n sump'n by him that I've missed. This sci-fi fanzine is a good example of how clueless I've been
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Fistful Of Dan Adkins
Okay, I gotta ask-since the other four are Dan ink'n (great inker, by the by), is the last one a copy of sump'n famous? Personally doubt it, but you can prob'ly tell I'm fairly clueless on this big picture stuff
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
George Metzger Is Flying Saucer Man
Yeah, just a biggerbetterfasterstronger look at what Metz brought to Brain Fantasy #1, with the back cover, inside front cover (shades of Avon!), and the nifty story
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