Monday, April 8, 2013

Ten Talons by Jim Steranko

I couldn't resist--one of these doesn't belong (is not Talon).  But even if you eliminate it, I still have ten here, so riddle me that


  1. Talon is now my wallpaper here at work.

  2. Just curious--which Talon? (hope it wasn't the bogus one)

  3. Second one, the black and white one. Which lasted a few hours and now I have the cover for Mystery in Space #31 with Gile Kane ( I met him) artwork,

  4. Way cool-I would've loved meeting him-the Softbound of Blackmark is my second most repetitive read-right behind those Steranko Strange Tales

  5. I had or maybe still have Blackmark in one of the Conan type magazines from the 70's. Oh that is good. Too bad it was never followed through with more stories.
    When I met him he was drawing John Carter of Mars for a fan and chatting, and there was not a misplaced line as he did it, no sketching first.

  6. Kane was truly one of the great ones- if you haven't already, please search him on the Cap'n's blog- beside Blackmark, I obviously love his Star Hawks, Cap'n Marvel, Warlock, Atom, Undersea Agent, Savage---heck, everything he did
