Saturday, February 4, 2012

John Carter by Corben and Frazetta

In the midst of a gruesome snow-storm, it's nice to think about Moab in summer, and the John Carter film that was made there (have I raved that it's coming this summer?) ((Nice! I got in summer twice!))


  1. I thought the John Carter movie was coming out March 9th?

    Cool stuff! I remember both the Corben and Frazetta pieces. Weren't they used as covers for Science Fiction Book Club editions?

  2. My bad-the Superbowl just hammered that home--I think the ad for March 9th was ran four times--it's just when I was told about John Carter by the Moab natives (yeah, both of 'em) they said the film crews thought this summer, or a full two years after it was made! Bingo! My neighbor got all the science fiction book club stuff in the early seventies, and Frazetta did a ton, and Corben. Crazy cheap prices, something like 10 hardbounds for a dollar if you got one a month for two dollars after that, and then everyone would cancel right away and cry foul cause they weren't 18 so how could the book club hold them to a contract. (My neighbor, Ron, was crazy.)
