Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Herniated Folder

Okay, folders weren't quite full like a lotta times, but I had these pictures bulging out in odd places.  Per usual, I'm almost positive this is just a new riff on some same ol same ol, but, man, I sure dig em


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

First Pay-Per- View by Steve Ditko

Doc Strange VS Dormammu does sorta remind me of some a the great fights hyped on the tube, but when I wrote "first," sump'n made me flash on Ricky and Fred watch'n the big fight on the black 'n white screens of the fifties.  My son just paid to watch Ultimate Fighting from the giant bubble in Vegas.  stranger than fiction

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Black Book Valentine Highfather Page by Jack Kirby

Onea the best illos, methinks, in the great Valentine Jack gave Roz, and she gave us


Thursday, September 12, 2024

New Conan by Frank Frazetta!!!

Yeah, yeah, just new to me.  Probly my favorite thing about this whole magilla is when I see sump'n sump'n I've never seen.  sweet


Just Another Galaxy illo by Wally Wood

uh, hardly!  The Kingslayer illo is my all-time favorite Galaxy illo (like I tell the kids, don't say anything to your sibs, but you're my fav), and it's che nice to finally see it without blemishes


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Absolute Swamp Thing Cover by Berni Wrightson

...and some less glossy versions of the classic face from ST #1


Wise Guy! by Jack Kirby

I can't stop!  I'm lov'n these cops 'n robbers covers from the Simon & Kirby heyday, I guess partially cause I never saw them until recently, but the art is che cool


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nick Fury VS Automobile by Jim Steranko

As we learn here, if the ped has any chance at all against the slick, speed'n auto, you're gonna need a suction cup


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gory Stories Cover by John Pound

Besides the alliteration appreciation in the title, I always dug see'n this image on the spinner rack at the head shops.  Acourse, I never bought it (no Corben), but I thought the cover was all that and a bag of chips.  It resonated with a fear me and my buds had had just a few years before, and it beat Stephen King's IT to the punch by fifteen years


Friday, September 6, 2024

Horizon Fanzine Shadows by Mike Kaluta

Hey, Russ!  More Shadows not done for the DC comic series (the tipped scales are even more weighed down)!  Does anyone know why Kaluta couldn't get in , say, like 20 issues of the comic like his buddy Barry Smith did with Conan?  Or even, say, like 11 issues like his buddy Wrightson did with Swamp Thing?  Seems like almost everything I've ever dug was short-lived and/or unpublished


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Justice Traps The Guilty #23 Cover by Jack Kirby

Ohmyheck, here's another cops "n robbers I just never knew about, but, man, it truly is classic Kirby


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Coupla Abraca-Dooms by Berni Wrightson

Never bothered with The Spectre #9.  It wasn't Marvel, the Wrightson cover was not my cupa, and it wasn't Marvel (the weird thing is onea my dopplegangers is a great guy my same age, who only acquired DC as a teen-course we've both spent this century extol'n the merits of all the publishers)