Look Out! It's Round Robin! by Jack Kirby

Fight'n American #8 in the fifties dinnae happen, so we saw it as Fight'n American #1 in the sixties

Nightfall by Berni Wrightson

It's very late, and I dunnae know what that weird sound was I just heard, but someday I'll show you more of this amaz'n take on Little Nemo

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Fight'n American by Jack Kirby

Speedboy?  What Speedboy?  Please embiggen

Jungle Jim Trio by Wally Wood

Jimbo! Jimbo!  Way to always defend the little lady

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Conan Calendar Art by Barry Smith

If you dunnae think Conan was tough as (red) nails, imagine having a hole punch to every other toe of your right foot, and not even blink'n an eye....please embiggen

Tales of Asgard Panel From Thor #112 by Jack Kirby

Great panel from a great page of a so-so back-up (The Coming of Loki), which had the unfortunate comparison to the great lead story, Thor VS Hulk